Building Automation

HVAC Building Automation System

CK Control Temp handles everything related to HVAC building automation in order to ensure that your climate control system operates with maximum efficiency, sustainability, and profitability. Whatever your needs may be, we can customize our automated controls in order to meet them.

Building automation makes for fewer spikes in energy, and you’ll be able to rest assured in knowing that your system is always operating at peak efficiency. This will not only benefit your business, but it also benefits the environment by conserving energy.

You’ll also be able to save money on your energy bill. We are always on the lookout for ways to help our customers cut costs without sacrificing comfort.

HVAC Building Automation System

Let us help you operate at peak comfort and efficiency


A building automation system is a network that controls many systems within a building including the HVAC system. It contains hardware that has the ability to monitor each system, along with maintaining its controls.

With building automation, the controls for all of your systems are centralized and can be monitored from one place. This allows for peak comfort and efficient energy use, which makes for a lower bill.

Benefits of Building Automation

Building automation has plenty of benefits for industrial and commercial spaces. These benefits include:

  • It’s versatile: Building automation covers complex networks that can be applied in a wide variety of buildings and businesses. We can implement building automation into any of the industries that we service, and you will not have to be on-site in order to make adjustments to your building automation system.
  • It’s convenient: With building automation, you can set your HVAC preferences – some systems even have the capability to remember those preferences. When adjustments are required, the system can handle them on its own. And if human input is required, there are ways to provide it remotely.
  • It’s cost-effective : While building automation is an investment, the amount you can save on your energy bill is worth the price you pay up front. With building automation, you can set schedules that line up to the occupancy of a building, so you’re not ever paying for energy that you don’t need.

Most Trusted Building Automation Company Serving New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York City for Over 65 Years

CK Control Temp will work with you to find the right building automation system for your commercial or industrial space. Your comfort and energy efficiency matters as much to us as it does to you. Get in touch with us to get started today.